Would you rather live a long, uneventful life or a short, glorious one?

I can't claim that one is original. The question is posed in Greek myth, often with regard to Achilles, but occasionally also Heracles (for whom it doesn't make as much sense, since he lived a relatively long life. Thetis, Achilles's mother, knowing that he was prophesized to have that exact choice, tried to hide him away, disguised as a girl in the household of King Lycomedes. But the born hero inadvertently revealed himself to Odysseus, who was looking for him to join the Trojan War. Achilles, who hadn't been a suitor for Helen of Troy and was thus not oathbound, could probably have refused. But, reversing his mother's choice, he decided it was better to fight with honor, even if it meant an early death.

(By the way, the guy in the far left in the picture has an I-know-something-you-don't-know kind of smile--a crafty fellow, like Odysseus.)

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Bill, that is a classic conundrum and an excellent druther! I think I will base my own answer on personal experience: the longer I live, the longer I want to stay alive. I also find that "uneventful" is very subjective, and I can have a good time traveling with my mind.

I can't imagine lusting after more action at the expense of more time for thought.

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I druther be writing. Hee!

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Ha! I have about 2 really good hours in me every day, maybe 3 if I had a lot of extra sugar or caffeine or something. It's like the best part of my day, but I can only do it for so long.

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Gee, that’s about how much sleep I get, and even then my brain is working out plot ideas.

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Whew.....you scared me, at first: "Sprint through Times Square while naked"? What.........again?!?

There are still parts of several boroughs I'm not allowed near! But, on a more rural, but similar, note, there are still parts of several burros I'm not allowed near, either. Some farmers are just SO possessive! Of course, I mean no offense, Goatfury!

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I just now learned that donkeys were not brought to the US until the 1800s!

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I’m pretty sure there were plenty of jackasses here, though, far before that!

Plus, until donkeys got below $2,000, few could afford them! But, 1800? Doable!😁

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I love this as a the recurring ‘would you rather’ bit in family guy. It’s not the initial question that’s the best but the clarifying questions trying to pick

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It's a bit like improv: you start with the ending, then work backwards to a plausible explanation from there, only this is more interactive.

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I would rather eat my favorite food (pizza) ad nauseam, to the point that I would never eat it again. The reason is simple. Running through Times Square naked is a crime that would result in being sent to Rikers, paying lots of money, and possibly ending up on the sex offender registry. However, if I could be assured of a good lawyer who would convince the judge that I was experiencing a medical emergency, I'll take the sprint through Times Square.

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I love pizza so much.

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Aug 23Liked by Andrew Smith

I always thought "druther" came from "I'd rather" 😂

I ask for a clarification; on the invisibility, is it a minimum of three hours or just for three hours total?🤔

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I think that's exactly right: "druther" is just a shortened form of "I'd rather."

Invisibility: 3 hours total!

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Aug 24Liked by Andrew Smith

Oh bummer! I’ll take Hulk strength, then!😁

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I'll take running through Times Square naked, Alex. Because no one would be looking at me. They'd turn away in disgust.

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This one gets easier as i get older. I no longer care so much who sees my naughty bits.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Andrew Smith

"Would you rather have to sprint through Times Square while naked, or eat your favorite food until you throw up so you never want to eat it again?"

Daniel's brain, immediately: "Why not both at once?!"

Also, I was today years old when I learned the game was called Druthers. We've always just called it "Would you rather?"

Is this where you tell me that "Never have I ever..." also has an esoteric name like "Crimpbizzle"? (or, I guess more accurately, "En-havers")

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Oh, sorry - my research here was scant. I know a lot of folks call the game "Would You Rather", but I did verify that it is called Druthers in some places (and that's what we called it).

Times Square probably has a lot of my all-time favorite food, pizza. I could make this fantasy of yours come true there if I was so inclined. Let me think that over for a bit.

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