"You probably already know that the Earth’s surface is really a bunch of plates floating around on top of a giant ocean of magma."

Nice try, buddy, but you and I both know about the turtles. It's all turtles, man.

All the way down. And sideways. And all the other directions. Turtle-palooza.

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I was at Turtlepalooza 93! I still remember moshing to Tortoise in Chains.

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And who can forget Chumbawamba's "Turtlethumping"? Such a classic!

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The Galapagos (and I think other island chains too) are formed by underground volcanos fixed in the Earth's mantle while the islands sit on a tectonic plate or two that moves. Drip Drip Drip you get a string of Islands I bet you could describe it better

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Maybe, but that's pretty good! It really is a bunch of drips like that.

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Visualizing how my menorah looked after Hanukah

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Wax and Lava: the hot new essay from Andrew Sniderman, coming out next week!

Probably not essay-worthy, but it is a cool observation anyway.

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lol love it! now i have to add a menorah pic to my article this week

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