I saw something like that in the documentary Avatar.

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Fungi are fascinating. I read Merlin Sheldrake's book "Entangled Life" a couple of years ago, exactly on this subject, great stuff. There's also an IMAX movie documentary recently come out, presented by Merlin Sheldrake (who may have the best scientist name ever) and narrated by Björk. Not sure when I'll have a chance to see it, but the chance comes up I will grab it! 🍄


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Have you heard the theory that this is why taking psilocybin makes you feel a sense of connection with nature?

I think I read it in Michael Pollan’s “How to change your mind” but I could be wrong.

Basically the mushies are the internet connecting the forest like you say, and everything really is connected in a way we don’t understand. Then when you take the shroom you are suddenly able to feel it, or even see it.

Have you heard this before?

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Mar 20Liked by Andrew Smith

This stuff is so cool! I can only think of one way the analogy wouldn’t work and that is that mycorrhizal networks are less present in urban areas. This is usually due to fertilizers and soil amendments disrupting fungal growth. Possibly the abundance of non-native plants, too, although that’s just a guess.

The fungal network can even even cut a plant off if it’s been damaged, much like your ISP might if your system is infected with a virus.

Plants and fungi and so fascinating ❤️

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I was a mycorrhizal fun guy, once. It was that one weekend in college. I'll speak (you'll be thrilled to discover) no more about it. Your daily output of all things amazing is pretty astounding, Andrew!

I no longer want to hear weekly "newsletter"-writers whining, "I don't know what to write about!" If I wore one, my hat would be off to you!

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Mar 19Liked by Andrew Smith

I know all about plant communication, man. I'm a grown-up after all. I saw that episode of Magic School Bus!

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