I didn't know the meme you put in this piece included Carl Weathers. Serendipity that I should finally get to this piece in my inbox right after he passed away...

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RIP Carl! He was amazing, and a big part of my childhood.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Andrew Smith

No to discoveries,, no to the droppings story. Interesting like penicillin history.

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Very excited for this! Also very intriguing read!

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Hey, thanks!

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CMBR would've been a much more successful acronym if they called it PPR for "Pigeon Poop Radiation" or just PP. Teeeheee, pee-pee.

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If you want kids to remember something, it's generally best to make it into a potty humor joke.

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V-e-r-y interesting.

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