No kidding, I could easily do just that most days- just build up something from the comments. I think that would be a pretty fun Substack for someone besides me to run, although I'm pretty sure I could do it too (but I'd have to stop what I'm doing now, so no thanks).
You might really enjoy doing like a quick Latin course on DuoLingo or something similar. I might have spent 5 or 10 minutes a day for about a year, but it made a huge difference for me.
HP Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, Mary Shelley
Primordial scifi/horror!
That's a classic! Makes me think of old Warner Brothers cartoons for some reason. I blame Ren and Stimpy.
Super cool word but all I got is Soup. My brain went to Optimus Prime.
Transform and roll out! I loved Prime. He was such a good leader.
I play Hearthstone, so my first association was with a spell called Primordial Glyph. That's my entire contribution for today.
Now glyph is a cool word!
Tomorrow's post is in the bag!
No kidding, I could easily do just that most days- just build up something from the comments. I think that would be a pretty fun Substack for someone besides me to run, although I'm pretty sure I could do it too (but I'd have to stop what I'm doing now, so no thanks).
You could write a meta post just based on that comment alone.
I had to stop myself.
Primitive, forest primeval....
Primeval is a good one too. It includes primordial things, but primordial is more specific.
"You had to do the first things first." Hence that saying.
I figured "order" had Latin roots- this confirms it.
You might really enjoy doing like a quick Latin course on DuoLingo or something similar. I might have spent 5 or 10 minutes a day for about a year, but it made a huge difference for me.