Fall is the only correct answer and I completely forgot about the song. It's a good one.

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I think Cornell has a couple of very good solo songs, and this is one of 'em. "Pretty Noose" is another, IMO.

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Apr 12Liked by Andrew Smith

Hi Andrew, i love the song by Chris Cornell, and i loved the movie Singles. And i love Summer, too. I hate cold weather.

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We see eye to eye, amigo! Although I haven't watched Singles in a long time, so maybe it doesn't hold up.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by Andrew Smith

Well, since you asked a question I feel like answering for a change. It's an easy one, not technical or too involved... I love autumn and spring, the in between seasons, because of the way the colors change. Our world really is beautiful this time of year.

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The times in between are lovely outside! What are some of your favorite things that appear or bloom in spring where you are?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by Andrew Smith

It's autumn here at the moment, my favorite part is the cosmos flowers that stand in fields and fields before they cut the grass around the crops to get ready for harvesting, oh and the harvest itself of course, when you can swim in the heaps and heaps of soya beans before they go into the silo. The best part of spring is those first little apricot blossoms that always come out just after my birthday, and tiny new green leaves on all the trees, and the rain that can sometimes go on for days.

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Neat! I looked up cosmos flowers to see what they look like, and Wikipedia says they're indigenous to South and Central America. We live in such a global world. I love seeing all the leaves return (and if I'm honest, I love seeing them go away in fall, too).

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My goodness! I did not know that they were an alien invasive species here! Wow! I do love them, and they grow wild here, everywhere. Google tells me they come in red and yellow as well. We only have white, pink and cerise. It really is amazing how something like a flower can tie two sides of the world together.

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I love little bits of trivia like this, that actually tell a much bigger story! Go us.

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As you can guess, my favorite season is Autumn. A New England Autumn day is the most gorgeous thing.

But I live on the low desert and I hate Summer like poison. It's miserable here, easily hitting 120F, and everyone hides indoors.

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Yeah, 120 is no joke! I grew up where it was very humid and hot during the summer, with days eclipsing 100 degrees and sweltering humidity, but that's sorta what I'm used to. That being said, I am NOT used to 120.

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Summer is my favored season, as well. In Canada, we don't get enough of it, so we take it when and where we can.

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Summer tends to be my favorite season. Spring is second, but mostly because it can be unpredictable in Michigan.

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Same here, I think! I love Halloween, but that's not enough to make it cooler than spring.

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The main reason fall is lower on my list is its the precursor to winter. It's arrival means I will be cold soon.

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We see the same things.

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Apr 11Liked by Andrew Smith

Ha, you can pickup from my excessive chattiness, I really do love spring. Glad you asked 🤣🤣

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I bet spring is far and away everyone's fave!

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Apr 11Liked by Andrew Smith

It does seem like the whole month of April I just recite April Flowers Bring May Flowers over and over and over again. But when the sun does shine and we get those first days in the 60’s or 70’s, it’s glorious! I’m kind of thankful every day isn’t great in the spring; if it was I would never ever be able to sit at a desk focusing on a screen. My genetical farmers DNA needs me outside playing in the dirt. What do you call when it is a gravitational pull you can’t resist? That’s me :). I love summer too, but fortunately the heat does become oppressive enough that I can, without twitching, sit indoors long enough to try and make a living. I also change my alarm clock in the spring to the sounds of birds chirping. It fools my natural algorithm into being excited it is time to get up.

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Apr 11Liked by Andrew Smith

I’ve always been a fan of the warmer months, starting with summer when i was young and really enjoyed having summer breaks. As an adult though, where the daily grind follows the earths rotation and is on a continuous loop, spring has emerged as my absolute favorite. It’s like a rebirth when things start coming to life. You see the little sprouts emerging from their winter nap, the birds start chirping early in the morning to replace your alarm clock, and the weather is usually moderate enough to ‘tend to the land’ without stroking out. 🌻☀️🌸. Oh, and with the sunlight lasting beyond 5/6 o’clock, I can naturally stay up past 8 easier 🤣.

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Ha! I keep getting into bed much earlier as I get older. I think we're pretty much at a 9 PM bedtime now, which represents a dramatic U-turn for me over the last 15+ years.

Spring is awesome! I just wish it was a tad warmer here, but some days are great.

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Fall is my favorite season, probably because it marks the end of the oppressive heat that you so enjoy. It’s been pretty miserable, the last two summers in Texas. I also think a big reason I like fall so much is because we don’t get much of it.

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Important caveat: I don't live in Texas!

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True! You might feel differently.

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Apr 11Liked by Andrew Smith

But can't engineers, like, fix it? Why should the Earth be tilting like that? Doesn't sit right with my OCD brain.

Make Earth Straight Again!

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If we nuke enough hurricanes, the physics adds up.

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Apr 11Liked by Andrew Smith

And when it comes right down to it, is there any problem nukes CAN'T fix?

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It does seem like the whole month of April I just recite April Flowers Bring May Flowers over and over and over again. But when the sun does shine and we get those first days in the 60’s or 70’s, it’s glorious! I’m kind of thankful every day isn’t great in the spring; if it was I would never ever be able to sit at a desk focusing on a screen. My genetical farmers DNA needs me outside playing in the dirt. What do you call when it is a gravitational pull you can’t resist? That’s me :). I love summer too, but fortunately the heat does become oppressive enough that I can, without twitching, sit indoors long enough to try and make a living. I also change my alarm clock in the spring to the sounds of birds chirping. It fools my natural algorithm into being excited it is time to get up.

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