“Before going to Browntown” wins the internet!

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A tip of the commode lid to you, sir.

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I was just about to say that I'm starting to worry about your poop fetish, but then you brought that up yourself. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step towards finding a solution. Poop!

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I thought fiber was the first step!

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Maybe his poop fetish is justified because what to do about poop, dead human bodies

and of course the fact that death really does rule to here too has always been, and still is the perennial problem.

That having been said why not check out a very entertaining book titled The Origin of Feces by David Waltner-Toews

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One of my favorite poop jokes yelled as you head to the bathroom is ‘time to take the Browns to the superbowl!’

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"Letting a dirty little secret slip through the crack" is another really good one.

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Poop has also been widely used as fuel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_dung_fuel

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Great point! Another "gold" use case.

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At this point, you are going to be known as the guy who talks about poop here on Substack. LOL

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I'm perfectly fine with this moniker, although I've written about poop 5 times in 350 posts, probably about a third as many as I've written about etymology and maybe half as many as about business.

But I get it! other people write about words and stuff. Not that many write about doodiepoops.

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I didn’t know you had a poop fetish and I’ve been missing out! Thanks for the scoops.

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For this one, someone has to do the doody work.

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Out of all your posts I'd say this is #2!

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Have you heard scientists found washing hands to be futile?


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same approach we are taking with AI!

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I’m storing mine in Pringle cans in case the price of Gold sky rockets and it becomes feasible to start panning for it!

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Maybe you'll double up on your luck and some ingredient in the Pringles can will also be super duper scarce. #poopdreams

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Eyes everywhere. 👀

This is making me glad I have a septic system instead of being connected to a city water supply.

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Not to be outdone, Andrew, I've taken it upon myself to, if not match you, then at least enter the poop-centric arena (I suppose I mean literarily speaking.....but, I dunno.....wading boots may be preferred).

To be honest, there may be little to no poop in rock'n'roll, or the music biz, in general, but then, that would presume you'd never heard Rick Dees' "Disco Duck," or never considered Morris Albert's "Feelings" an important work of art.

But, now it makes me wonder about the mining that may have been involved in the RIAA doling out all those gold records decades ago! At the very least, I'm now questioning the true intentions behind A.A. Milne's little brown bear whose first name was "Winnie the," but then, to so blithely award him such a distasteful surname.

Future article? Discover the possible etymological connection, if any, between the roots of the words "porcelain" and the "porcine" adjective we assign to little piggies! You got me thinking on a Tuesday morning! Thank you, Andrew!!😁👍

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Brad, let the thoughts fly, buddy! I love that sort of spark when I find it.

If anyone could find gold in the poop of Disco Duck and its ilk, you're the one to do it!

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Well, we did find a use for Mr. Dees. But, only thanks to FR&B's Stephen Michael Schwartz! Had Barry Manilow, back in the '80s, not heard his friend, Rick's (the L.A. DJ helped break Barry in southern Cal) recording of Stephen's "Merry Christmas (Wherever You Are)," Barry wouldn't have worked up an arrangement himself to sing on a couple of '80s TV Christmas specials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qnxrjj1rgbc

See how I did that?😁👍

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You pulled those gold flecks right out!

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"From way downtown................BAM!!"🏀

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