Mar 11Liked by Andrew Smith

So if I hear it right: You'd be able to cook a pizza on Venus without using an oven, but you might not grow the wheat necessary to make the dough for it? Oh, what a cruel joke!

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If there was an Oscars for Irony, Venus would win the inter-Solar-System championships every single year. Maybe that's why there isn't one.

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Mar 11Liked by Andrew Smith

Every single year? Try "every single day"! Ha, ha. Venus rotation humor.

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That joke was ... ugh ... out of this world.

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I think he planet that way!

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Mar 11Liked by Andrew Smith

I guess they would wonder at the brevity of the day on Earth and perhaps muse on how inhospitable it would be to life. Or not.

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Yeah, for sure. I could have given more hypothetical info too, like: is Earth also habitable in my scenario? What if life developed on both worlds?!?

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I feel like for the daylight time there would be many festivals and magical beliefs around animals similar to regions that experience the midnight sun. The many days of night are always more terrifying to me. I imagine constellations and astrology would be even more central. Fun thought experiment. The way humans react to time change, I'm not sure we'd make it through a Venus day and night.

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I'm not sure if this is in your potential arena, but some really good horror/sci-fi could arise from a setting like this! Doesn't have to be Venus per se, but if the days were somehow several months long (and those nights, too), that would be all you'd need.

Regardless, I'm glad this gave us both something fun to play with!

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Me too! I did immediately start thinking of possible sci-fi horror ideas so it for sure set me off as a writer. I feel like way back, when I was a kid, I read a Christopher Pike book set in space, maybe Mars that played with some of this stuff (but more isolation than light/dark) but it was so long ago I can't remember it. It also made me think of the vamp movie 30 Days of Night.

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That was an excellent movie.

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